Howdy folks!
Been some time since I felt like "talking" but here goes.
One-Today's weather made me feel good today. It is sunny and the temp will probably max out near 60 degrees.
Two-I got a nice e-mail from a friend that made feel all tingly.
Three-I am feeling pretty good about myself these days. My HAIR--yes I said HAIR--is starting to grow back. Not like Crystal Gayle or anything but I actually got it "trimmed" about three weeks ago because I was looking pretty crazy. But I have put away the baseball caps and actually used some styling product to keep my hair in place.
Lastly I have started the 4th cycle in the new DRUG I am on and in about another month I will have CT scans to see how this is doing. I HOPE HOPE HOPE that I can stay with this. It's nice to have hair again. Also I feel pretty good and DO NOT want to start something new.