Rachel's world

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Summer's gone.....

OK so it's not really gone but everyone is going back to school and the traffic in town will start to suck royally again. Lindsay started full time today and I was totally freaked out and was scared that she was going to be like "where's my mom" after lunch. (that's normally when I picked her up) But she had a GREAT day. She was able to hang out all day with her buddies.

I can't believe that she is going to be 4 years old soon. It's scary...like what do I know about raising a kid?? But I guess we're doing something right-she seems to be doing just fine accept for the crappy attitude. I can't remember being that fresh to my Mom. Oh well...I guess it will get worse with PMS.......AAAHHH!!!

All in all it was a good day. I even started back to work full time.
WooHoo says my wallet!!!



At 3:51 PM , Blogger Carrie said...

uh.. we WERE that fresh! HAH!!

Rhena's getting the attitude, too... I told her to wipe and she rolled her eyes and said "I AM wiping, mom! now quit asking!"


hooray for full-time, and for lindsay doing good in school!

SO CURIOUS about the gossip.. I need to call you and get caught up!

how's the ankle doing?



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